
The school building is designed in modern architectural style. The infrastructure is state of the art with all facilities to ensure a truly world class educational experience. This includes Large well-lit classrooms, fully equipped laboratories, cultural center, IT facilities, library, counselling center, learning lab, a canteen, and ample parking spaces. The idea is to develop onto a full-fledged boarding school in the years to come.


Some of the aspects of our facilities are below while some are Work In Progress many of them are already part of our infrastructure.

Feature Library

Students are encouraged to cultivate good reading habits and to use the library as an important centre for learning. The school will have an excellent library facilities with necessary volumes of books, comprising references, prescribed texts and popular fiction. The school subscribe to over 4 newspapers, 15 magazines and periodicals. It will be equipped with a computerized data base, enabling the students to have an easy and quick access to the necessary books.

The collection and services of the library are aimed at developing student's reading and research skills thereby helping them use these skills in their subjects. Resources and services are constantly updated to ensure current and relevant material. Reading is important and needs to be developed in the early years of schooling. Keeping this in mind the school has various festivals, displays and activities organized from time to time.


The students live in a secular atmosphere and they are free to practice their own beliefs. Moral Science education and Islamic studies are imparted to the kids as per their chosen option.


The school has state-of-the-art Audio-Visual halls, with traditional theatre seating, in the campus and language Labs of English and Hindi. The Audio-Visual Labs have a videopedia procured from language and scientific institutes that specialize in audio-visual communication systems and techniques. The benefits of visual stimuli and interactive learning have been more than reinforced through the use of such technology at AKIS.

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The classrooms are equipped with SMART board with smart LED panels and smart document cameras for essential grades. Wireless Wi-Fi access points are available to provide wireless coverage to all the classrooms. The wireless broadband available in the school.

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The international standards to be maintained in the Physics, Chemistry and Biology Laboratories confirm to International Programmes and Examination standards. Be it the microscopic analysis of unicellular or multicellular organisms, the study of the electro-magnetic spectrum or the observations of the chemical reactions, our science laboratories will be a capacity of thirty students to work concurrently, provide the space, the equipment and the safety standards that allow high quality practical work in science learning to happen very effectively and unhindered.

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Cybernetics and Information Technology have made inroads into academic programmes. We have gone headlong into becoming an IT-savvy school offering computer science, Information technology in a global society and other computer courses as prescribed by the curricula on offer in our school. Students have unlimited access to computers and the professional software tools that go with them. Our teaching laboratories will be equipped with computers all networked to common file servers and connected to the outside world via the internet through leased lines.


The school has an active Physical Education department. We have provided facilities to the students for playing shuttle badminton, football, volleyball, table tennis, Cricket and chess. Students also actively participate in Martial arts, Archery, Art and Athletics.


Students of other Faiths are offered a well- structured Value education curriculum.

Moral education is of top priority to the AKIS and special care is devoted to boost value-based education and character building. The School spares no efforts to motivate children in all developmental activities of school life without ignoring the moral aspects.




  The whole KG and Junior meets at least once a month for an assembly and there is a programme of separate weekly assemblies for the early years, Key stage 1 and Key stage 2 pupils. While assemblies cater for a whole school approach to pastoral care and discipline, the ethos of the school is set around 'Golden Rules' which encompass all class and recreation time. Kindness, concern and respect for others are expected principles which are reinforced during Class Circle and Golden Time helping children in their personal and social development.
  All teachers are aware of the diverse cultural backgrounds and linguistic abilities of many of our children, and adjust their teaching methods accordingly so that all children are able to access the work being introduced. In this, they are well-supported by the Head of EAL (English as an additional language), who provides advice on teaching methods and suitable resources, while also monitoring pupils progress.

Senior School

  All our teachers will be well experienced and will come with the right level of exposure. Our educators will not only be exceptional teachers but are also compassionate mentors who would look beyond academic excellence. The pastoral system in the Seniors is specially tailored so that each and every student is encouraged to make the very most of their time at the AKIS. Within each year group students are divided into small tutor groups, led by an individual tutor. The tutor's role is to take an overview of every individual student's progress in all areas. An experienced tutors care for the student body and provide an essential link between pupil, teacher and parent. Tutors are always a parent's first point of contact with the School. The respective Heads of Year oversee the tutors and work alongside the Head of Pastoral Care, ensuring that a cohesive and comprehensive care system is in place and that a relevant programme of pastoral experiences are delivered.
   An exemplary pastoral system in the senior school provides highly effective support and guidance for all guidance for all pupils, creating a safe, secure and inclusive environment. Tutors know their pupils extremely well and provide each individual with appropriate support and guidance Personal, Social and Health Education (PHSE) is an integral part of the AKIS curriculum and each year group has two 30 minute periods timetabled every week. Each tutor is responsible for presenting the programme under the guidance of the Head of PHSE.

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